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Opus 74-Flaine
Opus74 Flaine, 56 rue Mary Besseyre 92170 Vanves (France):
Flaine is situed in the French Alps. Wonderful place.
Total des vues: 187
Total des vues: 187
Summercamp: teaching, concerts for teachers, students in a magnificent place in the french Alps.
5th International Summer Academy – music in resonance – Italy
31 Aug - 06 Sep, 2024
Violin – Universität der Künste Berlin
Cello – Hochschule für Musik Köln
Piano – formerly Musikhochschule Münster
Accompaniment & Chamber Coaching
Hochschule für Musik Köln
Self Centering, Stage Presence, Mind-Body Awareness
Alexander Technique
Stage Presence, Sound Projection, Yoga, Meditation
Wholistic Luthier
Performance Psychology
Our masterclass is open to committed and passionate string players, pianists and chamber musicians.
In addition to individual lessons from internationally reknowned music professors, you will receive daily workshops on topics including stage presence, mind-body awareness, Alexander Technique, and performance psychology.
All musicians will be living together at Villa Flangini, in the middle of nature and 5 mins from the historic city centre of Asolo. Venice can be reached within one hou
closing date: 30 Jun 2024
Total des vues: 3
Total des vues: 3
Play/Conduct Masterclass Alexander Gordon Zemtsov
29 Aug - 02 Sep, 2024
Play/Direct Masterclass for all instruments
As a leading solo violist, chamber musician, and conductor, Alexander Gordon Zemtsov has worked with some of the world’s finest orchestras, conductors and soloists.
Former principal violist of the London Philharmonic Orchestra he is in great demand as a distinguished teacher, and is currently Professor at HEMU Lausanne and the HfMT Cologne.
Many of his students are members and section leaders in major orchestras around the world as well as winners of international competitions.
In this master class he will use his great experience and engaging personality to guide students through the skills required to play and direct your own performances, supported by the Festival Orchestra - Master Orchestra Brescia.
Under the baton of Alexander Gordon performed some of the world’s finest soloist: Mischa Maisky, Tabea Zimmermann, Lars Anders Tomter,
Simon Trpceski, Roman Simovic and Boris Garlitsky.
closing date: 15 Jul 2024
Total des vues: 3
Total des vues: 3
David Frühwirth Violin Masterclass Bordeaux/France July 2024
20 - 27 Jul, 2024
David Frühwirth Violin Master Class
Intensive Training/Lectures
Masterclass will be held from 20. - 27. July, 2024
Come and join me near Bordeaux for exclusive and intensive Violin Masterclass in an ideal atmosphere of nature and culture! Perfect for deep study and inspiration.
It includes: four lesson a 60 minutes and a power point lectures with music themes (Mental Strength, Optimized Practice, String lectures), ample practicing facilities, possible Chamber Music, Orchestra, relaxed discussions, and free time for sport activities.
There are many public Concerts for the students and Chamber Music Concerts with the Professors!
*Languages: German, English, Russian (a little bit)
* The Master Class guarantees 4 lessons each 60 minutes, some are with piano
*Accommodation is possioble with full board
closing date: 05 Jul 2024
Total des vues: 2
Total des vues: 2
Belgrade Baroque Academy: Giulio Cesare (on period instruments)
06 - 15 Sep, 2024
Belgrade Baroque Academy is thrilled to announce its exciting project for September 2024 – G.F. Handel's most famous opera, "Giulio Cesare in Egitto".
The 23rd Academy will be held from 6-15 September 2024, with two semi-staged performances planned for 14 and 15 September, in conjunction with the Belgrade Early Music Festival.
We seek talented singers for all roles (Giulio Cesare, Cleopatra, Cornelia, Sesto, Tolomeo, Achilla) and skilled baroque instrumentalists.
This is a unique opportunity for singers to learn their roles with the support of distinguished experts, including music director & coach Predrag Gosta (UK/USA), vocal coach Sonia Prina (Italy), baroque violinist Adrian Butterfield (UK), and others. Instrumentalists will have the chance to be coached by and perform alongside award-winning period instrument ensemble, New Trinity Baroque.
Tuition Fee: £500-1000, with scholarships available. We invite young passionate advanced singers and instrumentalists to apply.
Total des vues: 3
Total des vues: 3
International Alexander Technique Study in Türkiye 2024
06 - 18 Aug, 2024
Engage with the Alexander Technique abroad!
Join us in Türkiye to deepen your mind/body awareness and increase your own embodiment. Learn a process to discover your full potential, refine your artistry, and bring your whole self to the present moment.
Study options will be offered in August. You will be guided by Ann Rodiger and assisted by the Balance Arts Center Faculty.
AT Principles - 4 Day Intensive
Tues.- Fri. August 6th- 9th
AT Weekend Intensive
Sat. & Sun. August 10th - 11th
AT for:
Dancers: Tue. August 6th
Speakers/Singers: Wed August 7th
Instrumentalists: Thurs. August 8th
Private Lessons Available: August 6th - 11th
2 Day Workshop: August 17th-18th
Private lessons available: Friday August 16th
For more information and to register, visit
closing date: 29 Jul 2025
Total des vues: 3
Total des vues: 3
Corsi di Interpretazione Musicale 2024
23 - 27 Aug, 2024
La Fondazione Musicale Masiero e Centanin organizza, per l’estate 2024, Corsi di:
Violino e Violino storico: 23-24-25 agosto
Mandolino: 23-24-25 agosto
Violoncello storico e Viola da gamba: 24-25-26 agosto
Clavicembalo: 25-26-27 agosto
Fortepiano e Pianoforte storico: 23-24-25 agosto
Flauto moderno e traversiere: 25-26-27 agosto
La partecipazione ai Corsi è gratuita; inoltre, su indicazione dei Docenti, potranno essere assegnate Borse di studio e proposte di partecipazione a Concerti organizzati dalla Fondazione al termine dell’attività.
Le domande di ammissione ai Corsi, che dovranno pervenire per email a
dovranno contenere la scheda d’iscrizione, il Curriculum di studi e potranno essere corredate da un file audio o video.
Saranno ammessi fino ad un massimo di cinque partecipanti attivi per Corso. E’ possibile chiedere la partecipazione ai Corsi come uditori.
Segreteria artistica +393278056967
closing date: 30 Jul 2024
Total des vues: 2
Total des vues: 2
Strings Summer Academy
17 - 20 Jul, 2024
The Officina Musicale 52 APS, presents its VII edition of the Strings Summer Academy in a suggestive location in Basilicata, the "Bosco la Costara" at Sasso di Castalda (Pz). The Strings Summer Academy is aimed at string instrumentalists, students and professionals who want to combine study and relaxation in open nature. The preparatory teachers will be present from 17 to 20 July and are:
The course is an opportunity to deepen the repertoire of one's instrument, and to be able to experience it in concert thanks to the events organized during the days of masterclass. The course includes: • Individual lessons • Chamber music lessons: Cello Ensemble and Violin Ensemble • Final concert
closing date: 14 Jul 2024
Total des vues: 2
Total des vues: 2
Alto Minho Youth Orchestra
24 - 25 Jul, 2024
The Alto Minho Orchestra presents the first series of masterclasses 23/24. The second masterclass of this series will focus on the following instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass, flute, trombone and percussion.
Violin: Sara Areal and Raquel Martinez
Viola: Lourenço Sampaio
Cello: Raul Mirás
Double Bass: José Trigo
Flute: Beatriz Baião
Trombone: André Melo
Percussion: Agostinho Sequeira
This masterclass is open to all musicians, with no age or citizenship restrictions. Interested individuals can register as active participants or as observer participant.
Active participants - 90€ (ninety euros) for two individual lessons. (without accommodation and meals)*
Observer participants - 20€ (twenty euros) for full access to all activities. (without accommodation and meals)*
*If interested, the Alto Minho Orchestra can provide shared accommodation (up to 3 beds per room) for 20€/night and lunch for 5€/each.
closing date: 25 Jul 2024
Total des vues: 2
Total des vues: 2
International Masterclass Apeldoorn
12 - 17 Nov, 2024
The International Foundation Masterclass Apeldoorn, founded in 1990 , organizes various masterclasses and concerts every year. With special guest teachers, the young and often very talented musicians from all over the world experience inspiring lessons, beautiful concerts and endless fun. The lessons and the concerts are open to the public. Students will be asked to perform in various locations and schools. The students will be housed together in a hostel near the masterclasses.
Our Masters:
Philippe Graffin, violin; Gary Hoffman and Jeroen Reuling, cello; Charles Neidich, clarinet and Hannes Minnaar, piano forte.
Our repetitors: Mirsa Adami, Jelger Blanken and Daniël Kramer
Total des vues: 0
Total des vues: 0